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Join the agent to share the profit plan of charging treasure

2022-09-29 08:35:40 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Shared charging treasure is a very popular shared charging project at present. Many people have seen the high profit of this piece. Doing a shared charging treasure can continue to generate rental income at one time, and the equipment can also be recycled and maintained. Today, let's take a look at the points that need to be grasped in order to become profitable when joining agents to share charging treasures:

1. Choose the right shared power bank brand cooperation

There are no less than 200 brands of shared power banks, and there are currently no more than 20 powerful brands of shared power banks. For entrepreneurs, not all brands are suitable for investment, and it is not that the bigger the brand, the better. How to choose the right brand of shared power bank?

①Brand awareness: The brand should not be too small, so that the customer has no place to return the power bank after renting it, and the experience is poor. Choose a source manufacturer with production strength to cooperate, so as to ensure continuous product operation and maintenance capabilities.

②The threshold for getting goods: The threshold for getting goods should not be too high. For example, the threshold for some brand cooperation starts from 50 units, and the investment cost is more than 60,000. This is a real risk for a newcomer to the shared power bank industry.

③ Profit sharing ratio: The user rental income that the agent can get from the goods is called sharing profit. The cooperative brand must have a high profit sharing ratio, so that it can do well in the market and the profit will be high.

④ Profit arrival and withdrawal cycle: Many people don’t pay attention to this, but it is actually very important. Some brands can only withdraw cash once a month, and the income data of agents is not clear, which is not conducive to the later capital turnover. For agents, the faster the settlement cycle and the faster the withdrawal, the lower the cooperation risk.

2. Lock in high-profit sharing power bank merchant resources

At present, the main orders for shared charging treasures are generated by high-end merchants. Such merchants have high passenger flow, high consumption level, and high emergency needs, such as large shopping plazas, hospitals, scenic spots, transportation hubs, bars, KTV, etc., which are all very good. The place where the shared power bank is placed.

If you want to make money by joining the agent sharing power bank, you need to lock these merchant resources. For example, signing a merchant cooperation agreement is a good choice. In addition, through the back-end revenue data, we will continue to eliminate end-end merchants and develop high-quality merchants, thereby increasing the number of customer orders for a single device.

3. Seize the high-yield nodes during holidays

The revenue of shared charging treasures is also divided into off-season and peak seasons. For example, for most cities, it is very important to seize the peak period of rental of shared charging treasures during the holidays. Every year, such as the Spring Festival, May 1st Labor Day, and 11th National Day, including some Traditional festivals such as Mid-Autumn Festival, Qingming Festival and other holidays, these are good times for sharing power bank revenue to surge.

Before the holidays, merchants are highly enthusiastic about sharing power banks, and the income is stable during the holidays. It is necessary to plan ahead in order to seize better distribution time and shorten the revenue cycle.

The above are several important points for joining agents to make money from shared charging treasures, including choosing the right shared charging treasure brand for cooperation, locking in high-profit shared charging treasure merchant resources, and seizing high-yield nodes during holidays, etc. STW is a shared charging treasure manufacturer. , to provide shared power bank agent joining and OEM OEM customization services, cooperation and profit sharing 100% equipment as low as one pick-up Welcome to understand the agency policy.