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What should we pay attention to when joining the shared charging treasure? - STW

2022-03-18 10:21:58 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

      At present, charging treasure is an economic channel for investors to share profits. Therefore, charging treasure is also an economic channel for all investors to enter the market. To enter the shared charging treasure industry, one is to make your own brand in the OEM mode, the other is to join the agent and become the agent of a brand. For most people, joining the shared charging treasure as an agent is a very good choice, but how to join?


      The threshold of joining in shared charging treasure is very low. Most shared charging treasure brands only need to buy equipment to become agents. 0 threshold, 0 joining fee and 1 set can become agents. Although the franchise agent is very simple, some places still need to be paid attention to.

power bank rental station

1、 Understand the joining policy of shared charging treasure

      Since there is no need to share the power of the nearby brands, it's only necessary to understand the principle of sharing the power of the nearby brands. Therefore, it's not necessary to know if the power of the nearby brands is not enough. If the power of the nearby brands is not enough, it's only necessary to understand the principle of sharing the power of the nearby brands.


2、 Understand the income settlement mode and the income background of merchants

      After the agent shares the power bank, what to do is to find the merchant channel to launch it, which means to cooperate with the merchant, and the cooperation must be divided. Therefore, the background income details are more important, and whether the profit can be withdrawn at any time. Otherwise, if you don't understand, you will easily have doubts, and you will be asked to withdraw the machine by the merchant, which is very difficult to make it bigger.


3、 Take the goods and sign a formal contract

      To take goods as an agent, we should sign a formal cooperation contract, and be clear about our own interests and the services provided by the brand. Only with a formal contract can we have legal effect and protect our own interests and benefits. If conditions permit, conduct on-the-spot investigation to better understand the situation of this industry and have more confidence and confidence to do this market.


      The procedure of joining the shared charging treasure is very simple, but it is more important to find a brand suitable for yourself. One electric lemon shared charging can be represented. Welcome to know.